Governor's appointments
Ronald Huffman of Nome was reappointed to the Public/Restricted seat on the Alaska Veterans Advisory Council for a term beginning November 10, 2016 and ending November 10, 2019. Huffman is the Program Director for the Community Education Department of Kawerak, Inc. The council works to identify and advocate for the needs of Alaskan servicemen and women in the state.
Victor Karmun of Kotzebue was reappointed to the Cape Krusenstern seat on the National Park and Park Monument Subsistence Resource Commissions for a term beginning October 26, 2016 and ending November 4, 2018. Karmun retired from military service after 20 years. He served on the State Fish and Game Advisory Committee and as a Fish and Wildlife Native Liaison. The commissions make recommendations regarding subsistence users and potential impacts made by development projects in national parks.
Greta Schuerch of Kiana was appointed to the Kobuk Valley seat on the National Park and Park Monument Subsistence Resource Commissions for a term beginning October 26, 2016 and ending November 4, 2018. Schuerch is the Corporate and Public Policy Liaison for NANA Regional Corporation. The commissions make recommendations regarding subsistence users and potential impacts made by development projects in national parks.