New Arrival: Brooke Kelisa Waghiyi

Melody Rookok and Brandon T. Waghiyi, of Savoonga, announce the birth of their daughter Brooke Kelisa Waghiyi, born March 29, 2017 at 9:45 a.m.  She weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces and was 19” in length.  Siblings are Amber Rose Rookok, 18; Harper Jensen Deuce Waghiyi, 3; Rose Paris Waghiyi, 2.  Maternal grandparents are Paul and Bernice Rookok of Savoonga; and paternal grandma is Karen Waghiyi.

The Nome Nugget

PO Box 610
Nome, Alaska 99762

Phone: (907) 443-5235
Fax: (907) 443-5112

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