New Arrival: Colton Blake Tocktoo
Fri, 11/01/2019 - 5:53pm
Biological mother, Michaela P.C. Murphy and adopted parents Polly M. Tocktoo and Brandon C. Ahnangnatoguk, of Brevig Mission, announce the birth of their son Colton Blake Tocktoo, born September 23, 2019 at 2:08 p.m. in Nome, Alaska. He weighed 9 pounds, 7 ounces, and was 21” in length. Biological brother is Anderson Ahnangnatoguk, and adopted siblings are Layla Tocktoo, Puneeruk Tocktoo and Angel Okpealuk. Maternal grandparents are Dorothy Ann Murphy, of Nunam Iqua, and Daphne Tocktoo and Stewart Tocktoo Sr., of Brevig Mission; and paternal grandmother is Justine Ahnangnatoguk of Nome.