New Arrival: Harold Charlie Fitzgerald Jones

Bobbi Slwooko and Randall Jones Sr. of Brevig Mission are proud to announce the birth of their son Harold Charlie Fitzgerald Jones. Harold was born on June 8, 2020 at 11:34 p.m., weighed 8 lbs, 13 oz and was 19 inches in length. Harold joins siblings Gabrielle Slwooko, Uriah Jones, Paul Jones, Jubilee Tungiyan and Randall Jones Jr. Maternal grandparents are Bernice Ahkinga and Allen Jay Slwooko of Anchorage.  Paternal grandparents are Jennifer and Charlie Olanna of Brevig Mission.

The Nome Nugget

PO Box 610
Nome, Alaska 99762

Phone: (907) 443-5235
Fax: (907) 443-5112

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