Richelle Horner and Tommy Stasenko wedding

Wedding Bells: Richelle Horner and Tommy Stasenko

Ron and Kathy Horner would like to announce the marriage of their daughter, Richelle Horner, to Tommy Stasenko, son of Rachel and Rich Stasenko of Shishmaref.

Brian Crockett officiated at the small, beachside ceremony that included immediate family on September 26, 2020 at Alma Gulch. Festivities followed the outdoor wedding, with a reception in the crisp fall air.

The wedding party included Tommy’s daughter Alora Stasenko, and Richelle’s sisters Natalie Horner (Walls) and Ariana (Horner) Sutherland as bridesmaids. Nieces Beth Kokeok, Annabeth Huntington and Katherine Paniptchuk were flower girls. The groom was attended by Mat Turner, Dennis Sinnok and John Kokeok as groomsmen.   The Ring Bearer was nephew Cohen Kokeok. Ushers included the bride’s brothers, James and Nolan Horner.

The newlyweds continue to live in Nome where Richelle works at Norton Sound Regional Hospital as a registered nurse, and Tommy works for Bering Straits Native Corporation.

The Nome Nugget

PO Box 610
Nome, Alaska 99762

Phone: (907) 443-5235
Fax: (907) 443-5112

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