Local voters will have a chance to cast a yea or nay vote at the next municipal election concerning a summer sales tax increase. The City of Nome has been exploring additional revenue sources; the...
On July 8, the family and friends of the late Franklin Okleasik gathered at the Bonanza Fuel’s tank farm as the City of Nome dedicated the road to the tank farm to be named Franklin D. Okleasik...
The second session of the Norton Sound Regional Hospital CAMP Department’s Summercise program started on Monday, July 11.
In its 16th year, the program strives to keep Nome’s children occupied...
A contract to keep the City of Nome’s vehicles running smoothly has gone to Nome Machine Works. The Nome Common Council approved the award at its regular meeting July 11.
For the past two years,...
Last Thursday, the Dept. of Interior announced regulations that aim to raise safety and environmental standards in future exploratory drilling in the Arctic.
These regulations are the first rules...
After nine days of searching around the clock with no result, the organized search for missing Nome hiker and runner Joseph Balderas officially ended on Wednesday, July 6. The extensive effort...
If tumbleweed had been rolling down Front Street in Nome at 3:30 Monday afternoon a passerby might have thought they were in an old time Western ghost town.
he hundreds of Fourth of July citizens...
In a public meeting last week at the Northwest Campus, veterinarian Eric Jayne held a presentation about a proposal that aims to reestablish the role of the Alaskan Board of Veterinary Examiners to...
Over 30 residents from five towns in Chukotka arrived on St. Lawrence Island in the past month. The Chukotkans, from Anadyr, Velkal, Provideniya, New Chaplino and Sireniki will be in Savoonga until...
Since the end of May, Nome Eskimo Community offers a free public transportation service in Nome. The handicap-accessible bus has a capacity of 14 passengers, or 12 riders and a wheelchair. It runs...