Al Wayne Tallimak Koonooka

November 10, 1965 - November 10, 2023

Our beloved Al Wayne Koonooka was born to Ilene and Allen, on November 10, 1965 in Nome, Alaska at the M.M.M Hospital. He died on his 58th birthday, on Nov. 10, 2023.

Al was raised in the Kulukhon and Koonooka household. He was raised to be a great hunter and to be generous with his catch. Al struck many whales for our father’s boat. He also caught many walrus, seals, birds, reindeer and polar bears.

Al Wayne also caught female walruses for the last sailing skin boat. Al ategha and ifkaaqaq all three.

In addition to hunting, Al carved for many, many hours and many, many years to obtain ammunition and gasoline for his next hunt, he was always preparing for his next hunt

Al had many hunting buddies, always came home with very humorous stories of hunting together.

Some of his best hunting buddies have gone on before him, some are still here.

Al Wayne also went to other villages to hunt, too. He also attended search and rescue many times. Most of his catch went to grandmother Rosie Kulukhon who lived in Nome at the time.

 He was also a carpenter and helped build the new school. Also built a new cabin at camp.

He worked for Neester Construction Company.

He was proceeded in death by his parents Ilene and Allen;  Judy, Marjorie, Ila, Rhoda, Donna, Rachel, Ben, Glen, John-John, Rosie, Lawrence.

He is survived by Merlin, Job, Betsy and Dorene, all children and grandchildren, Cameron, Jack, Lavena, Mason, Riley

Joshua, Stanley, Sabastian, Mar and kids, Scott, Howard, Vanessa. Sherry Uta and all their children.



The Nome Nugget

PO Box 610
Nome, Alaska 99762

Phone: (907) 443-5235
Fax: (907) 443-5112

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