Volleyball continues with alumnae being the opposition
By James Mason
Friday night the Lady Nanook volleyballers played their second game of the season, once again against a team of Nome-Beltz graduates. It wasn’t the same alumnae team as last time, but the results were similar. The teams were evenly matched and the grown-up ladies held their own. More games are planned.
“Next Friday we have a pink out game against alumnae again at 7 o’clock,” said Head Coach Veronica Alviso. “Then we’ll have a Halloween game the following Wednesday. We’re going to try and get a couple more games against them.”
At their Oct. 13 meeting the Board of Directors of the Alaska State Activities Association cancelled all state championship events scheduled to take place prior to the first of the new year. They allow regions to hold their own championships. In Region 1, including Nome, no other school is currently playing volleyball. This action cancelled state championships for flag football, football, gymnastics, swimming, volleyball, rifle, esports, music and bowling. All competition is to be completed by Nov. 21.
The board stated that all activities not already started would be postponed to a season to be determined at a later date. A Calendar Revision Committee has been organized with one member from each region. They will make up a plan and present it to the ASAA board at their upcoming Nov. 9 meeting. The board will then make the final decisions. This plan of action was formulated after consultation with the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services and the Anchorage Health Department. It takes into consideration that COVID-19 case counts are increasing in Anchorage and in some other parts of the state.
“The Region 1 representative is the school activities director of the Northwest Arctic Borough School District,” said Nome-
Beltz Athletic Director Pat Callahan. “We had a Zoom meeting today with him and we lined out what we would like to see which involves wrestling in January, going into basketball. There are no events before January 15. Basketball is more March and early April with track, baseball, and soccer that happen in the spring. A couple weeks later the board will meet to see if they like the calendar the committee drew up.”
Volleyball games are at 7 p.m. in the Nanook gym with spectators limited. The games are scheduled to be live streamed with play by play from the gym.