New Arrival: Echo Zahriah Sapphire Apangalook.
Fri, 03/24/2023 - 10:00pm
Larisa B. Kava and Benjamin E. Apangalook of Savoonga are proud to announce the birth of their daughter Echo Zahriah Sapphire Apangalook. She was born on March 10, 2023 at 7:07 a.m. at Norton Sound Regional Hospital in Nome. She weighed 7 lbs and 11 oz and was 21 inches in length. Her sibling is Ashlyn Jyrus Kava, 12. Maternal grandparents are Larry and Theresa Kava, Regine Kava, of Savoonga. Paternal grandparents are Charlene and the late Paul Apangalook of Gambell.