Wedding Bells: Vernon C. Rock Jr. and Kelly M. Ningeulook
Vernon C. Rock Jr and Kelly M. Ningeulook were united in marriage June 3, 2024 at the Shishmaref Lutheran Church in Shishmaref, Alaska. The bride is the daughter of Alfred and Carol Ningeulook of Shishmaref, and granddaughter of Willa Seetomona of Shishmaref.
The groom is the son of Vernon C. Sr.and Priscilla Rock of Shaktoolik, Alaska; and the grandson of Edna Savetilik and the late Clarence Savetilik, of Shaktoolik, Alaska.
The best man was Vernon C. Rock Sr. and the maids of honor were Hillary Sinnok and Brittany Oxereok.
The groomsmen were Devin and Austin Rock, and David Jungers.
The bridesmaids were Frieda Grierson and Clare Jungers.
The flower girls were Glenna Ningeulook, Avery Rock and Avalynn Grierson.
Vernon and Kelly reside in Shishmaref, Alaska together with their two daughters.