Candidates file for municipal, NSEDC elections
In Nome, municipal elections will be held on Oct. 3.
Up for election is the Mayor, a two-year term. Incumbent Mayor Richard Beneville filed and is running uncontested.
Nome Common Council seat A, currently held by Tom Sparks, is up for election. Sparks announced would not seek reelection.
Nome Common Council
Three candidates seek to occupy Nome Common Council seat A, a three-year term: Adam Martinson, Tom Ukallaysaaq Okleasik and Lucas Sawyer.
Seat B sees incumbent Louis H. Green running for reelection, challenged by Doug Johnson.
Utility Board
Utility Board seat A, a two-year term, is held by incumbent Patrick Knodel, who sees no competition as he seeks reelection. Utility seat E, a three-year term, is held by Carl Emmons, who also filed for reelection and has no challenger.
School Board
School board seat A, a three-year term, sees Keith Morrison challenging incumbent Jennifer Reader. School board seat B, a three-year term, is held by Brandy Arrington, who runs for reelection unopposed.
School board seat D, a one-year term, sees incumbent Panganga Pungowiyi being challenged by Sandy Martinson.
In the region, Norton Sound Economic Development holds elections for the NSEDC member representative also on October 3, 2017 for the communities of Gambell, Golovin, Koyuk, Stebbins and Wales. The following individuals filed and qualified as candidates:
Gambell: Joel James (incumbent), Susan Apassingok; Golovin: Dean Peterson (incumbent); Koyuk: Leo Charles (incumbent), Aaron Nassuk, Morris Nassuk, and Douglas Swanson; Stebbins: Ronald Kirk, Morris Nashoanak, Sr., and Nora Tom and Wales: Frank Oxereok, Jr.