Teller man indicted on sex assault charges

A grand jury has handed up an indictment against Jacob Okbaok, 22, of Teller charging him on sex crimes that occurred in Teller in 2015.
The grand jury indictment contains four felony charges:  Sex Assault I, penetrating without consent and recklessly disregarding lack of consent, an Unclassified Felony; Sex Assault 2, that Okbaok, 22, engaged in sexual contact with the same person without her consent and recklessly disregarded lack of consent, a Class B Felony, and  two counts of Burglary 1, that Okbaok entered or remained unlawfully in a dwelling  with intent to commit the crime of sexual assault in the dwelling, both Class B Felonies.
The acts with which Okbaok is charged allegedly occurred all occurred on Oct. 1, 2015, according to court documents, except one count of Burglary 1,which happened on Nov. 10.
Okbaok’s arraignment on the charges has been slated for Sept. 12 in Superior Court.
He has not pleaded innocent or guilty.
A grand jury does not decide guilt or innocence. A prosecutor will work with a grand jury to decide whether to bring criminal charges or an indictment against a potential defendant, usually reserved for serious felonies.
Under Alaska law, unclassified felonies are the most serious, drawing large fines or lengthy prison sentences. Examples of unclassified felonies include murder, attempted murder and sexual assault.

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