
2018 CHAMPION— Joar Leifseth Ulsom of Norway won the Iditarod on March 14, 2018 at 3 a.m. At the champion podium he got a kiss from his lead dog Olive while holding his other lead dog Russeren.
Norwegian musher Joar Leifseth Ulsom was the first musher across the Nome finish line at 3 a.m. on Wednesday morning after 9 days and 12 hours on the trail along the southern route of the Iditarod...
Port of Nome
Port of Nome administrators continue to apply the spurs to hopes for a deep-draft port in Nome. Port Director Joy Baker and Mayor Richard Beneville provided testimony to the Legislature on House...
Zachary Milligrock returned to his Diomede home Friday evening to find it ablaze. He found a fire burning between the bedrooms. “I ran back out, to my neighbors, trying to get a flashlight and a...
DAY OF RECKONING—Amos Oxereok talks with his attorney James Ferguson at his sentence hearing Feb. 28 in Nome. Oxereok received jail time in a sexual assault case involving 13 school girls in Wales.
Amos Oxereok said he deserved prison for sex abuse of his students. All victims lived in the village where he grew up and went to school. He pleaded guilty to crimes that occurred in 2014. The...
Waves crashed on the shoreline of Little Diomede last week.
Last Tuesday, February 20, residents of Little Diomede have seen the impossible. Instead of looking out at a frozen seascape of ice, they witnessed open water and high surf crashing onto the shores...
The Nome Common Council was one vote short of unanimously approving the sale of the former museum and library building on Front Street.
The building is appraised as worth $669,000. The minimum bid...
The Nome Port Commission has approved this season’s port tariff schedule with no across-the-board rate increase. However, during the meeting, after a brisk debate on whether there should be a three-...
DIGGING OUT— After a series of snow storms, city workers are busy plowing roads.
It seems like digging out from snow and some more snow is all Nomeites do this winter. But according to National Weather Service meteorological technician Bob TenEyck in Nome, the climatological...
Over the past decade the shrinking Arctic ice cap has expanded Nome’s dream of harvesting riches from open, navigable waters. City administrators believe in potential gain to come from Port of Nome...
In a work session before the regular meeting of the Nome Common Council Feb. 12, Joy Baker, port director, laid out an issue for Council consideration concerning fuel sales at the Port of Nome. The...


The Nome Nugget

PO Box 610
Nome, Alaska 99762

Phone: (907) 443-5235
Fax: (907) 443-5112

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