
One attempt to bring a charge against public drunks for what they do while “under the weather” is dead and gone, failed on a vote of 3 to 1 at Monday evening’s Nome Common Council meeting, one vote...
In an amended complaint, Sitnasuak Native Corporation included Marie Tozier, who is seeking election to the SNC board of directors, in its pending civil lawsuit, aiming to remove three sitting...
In Nome, municipal elections will be held on Oct. 3. Up for election is the Mayor, a two-year term. Incumbent Mayor Richard Beneville filed and is running uncontested. Nome Common Council seat A,...
Queens Bench mining area
Arctic Gold Mining  LLC has plans to begin mining once permits are in place, as early as November, a 46-acre area at their Queen’s Bench property, south of the city’s Monofil and north of the...
Last week, the State of Alaska has imposed a sentence on Yvonne Adkison in the state Superior Court in Nome following her pleading guilty on distribution and possession of heroin. The jail time...
A federal grand jury has indicted Herbert Avoilook Barr Sr., 50, of Elim on August 15 of one count of attempted sexual exploitation of a child and attempted coercion and enticement of a minor. The...
DUCK RACE— Aaron Motis fishes the winning duck out of the Snake River during the annual Rotary Club rubber duckie race on Labor Day
Little ducks of many colors fanned out on the Snake River behind a boat that launched the annual Nome Rotary Labor Day Snake River Duck Race on Sept. 4. The duck race followed the Great Labor Day...
PETITION— Summer Sagoonick, left, and other youth petitioned Alaska Dept. of Environmental Conservation Larry Hartig, right, to take action on climate change, on August 28, in Anchorage.
Summer Sagoonick, a junior student from Unalakleet, was among 18 Alaska youth who last week presented a 114-page petition to Alaska Dept. of Environmental Conservation Commissioner Larry Hartig,...
The Nome Common Council and Tom Moran, city manager, have hammered out a contract to keep Moran at the top of the stairs in the head office for another year. At its regular meeting on Monday evening...
A grand jury has handed up an indictment against Jacob Okbaok, 22, of Teller charging him on sex crimes that occurred in Teller in 2015. The grand jury indictment contains four felony charges:  Sex...


The Nome Nugget

PO Box 610
Nome, Alaska 99762

Phone: (907) 443-5235
Fax: (907) 443-5112

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