
COMING AT YOU—Nome Nanook Jocelyn Nichols-Takak and Seward Seahawk Ava Jagielski race to grab a ball that’s flying out of bounds, during the Ruckus at the Rec tournament on Saturday, January 20.
Last weekend the Nanooks took to the court in a different venue, hosting Teller JV boys and Seward boys’ and girls’ varsity teams at the Nome Rec Center for the “Ruckus at the Rec” tournament....
Nanook Cohen Booth and Buccaneer Owen Watson jump for the ball to start the Thursday night game of the Subway Showdown
For the first time since 2013 both Nome-Beltz teams — girls and boys — won the Subway Showdown tournament hosted in Nome last weekend. Visiting teams from Kotzebue, Unalakleet and Valdez joined Nome...
WRESTLERS— Dalton Buffas, left, and Son Erikson won their weight class divisions in the Nikiski Top Dog Wrestling Tournament last weekend.
Nome wrestlers competed in the Nikiski Top Dog Wrestling tournament last weekend. This tournament has been gradually increasing with participation the past few years.  All divisions were in...
GO TEAM—The Nanook student section, decked out in pink, cheers on the JV Lady Nanooks on Friday, Oct. 13,  during the Arctic Pinkies Volleyball tournament held in the den of the Nanooks in Nome on Oct. 13 and 14.
Last weekend the Lady Nanook volleyball team hosted the 10th annual Arctic Pinkies Tournament, raising $1,600 for breast cancer and honoring a teammate who survived cancer, Angela Omedelina....
NOME INVITATIONAL— Middle school students and community members race off during the community race, held in conjunction with the Nome XC Invitational race, held on Saturday, Sept. 16.
Racers came by boat, plane or car to Nome last week to race in the Nanook Cross Country Invitational last Saturday. Teams arrived from Gambell, Golovin, Kotzebue, Koyuk, Savoonga, Shaktoolik,...
OFF THEY GO— Nome-Beltz Middle and High School cross country runners leave the starting line to race a 5-kilometer time trial, last Thursday, August 10.
Ryan Fox is the new head coach of the Nome-Beltz middle and high school cross country teams. Fox, who teaches social studies at Beltz, inherited the role from Jeff Collins who coached for many years...
In her first ever season of running Track and Field competions, Ourea Busk won the 400 meter race at the ASAA/First National Bank Alaska State Track & Field Championships in Palmer, May 26-27.
One girl from Unalakleet was the sole athlete in Unalakleet’s first track and field season. In her first season ever, she qualified for state and then went on to win the 400 meter sprint in the ASAA...
A CLASS WINNER— Bubba McDaniel jumps a bump along the trail on the Beam Road, on his way to win the 600 cc class of the 2023 Cannon Ball race, held last Saturday in Nome.
Cody Sherman, Bubba McDaniel and Shayla Johnson won their respective classes in the Cannon Ball snowmachine race, held Saturday, April 15, in Nome. Under perfectly sunny skies and no wind, 27 racers...
Jade Greene was named to the All Tournament Team in last week's State Championship games.
By Miriam Trujillo   The Nome Nanook Basketball season is over, as the boys went all the way to the finals of the state basketball championships and took second place in the game against Grace...
WINNER— George Lambert passes Fort Davis outbound to Golovin. Lambert won the race in 2 hours, 21 minutes and 40 seconds.
By Megan Gannon George Lambert won the Nome-Golovin snowmachine race on Sunday. Riding a Ski-Doo 850 and wearing bib number 5, Lambert was racing in the open class. He finished the 200-mile race...


The Nome Nugget

PO Box 610
Nome, Alaska 99762

Phone: (907) 443-5235
Fax: (907) 443-5112

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