
Nome Public School staff and administrators have put a lot of work into planning for a school year with the COVID-19 pandemic still posing a threat to Alaska and beyond. The school district released...
PARADE— NPS Extensions Correspondence School graduate Celina Nadie Habros waves to well-wishers as the graduation parade winds through Nome.
High School graduates of 2020 experienced a graduation like no other generation in recent memory. Their last semester of school as normal was interrupted by the global coronavirus pandemic and the...
Before the COVID-19 pandemic closed down the Nome schools the seeds of distance learning had already been planted. The district had invested in Chromebooks, an inexpensive laptop which can retail for...
CHOW BUS— A Nome Public Schools bus stops on First Avenue to deliver breakfast and lunch to young students.
With no cafeteria to serve a healthy breakfast and lunch to students, the Nome Public Schools are delivering meals to the kids. Three school buses travel planned routes every morning and meal packets...
HOMEWORK – Russell Rowe picks up a bag of homework prepared by Nome Elementary School for students. Watching are Nancy Bahnke, left, and NES Principal Elizabeth Korenek-Johnson.
The COVID-19 crisis has shut down Nome Public Schools but the learning continues. Nome schools are developing ways to make sure the students continue with their education. “We’re getting our minds...
PUBLIC MEETING—The school district presented their proposal to move sixth graders from the elementary school to Nome-Beltz Jr./Sr. High School.
Administrators of the Nome Public Schools have proposed moving sixth grade students from the Nome Elementary School to Nome-Beltz Jr./Sr. High School, making the two-year junior high school into a...
PERCUSSION— U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos enjoyed drumming during her visit to NACTEC in Nome last week. She said she was a percussionist herself.
U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos visited Nome on Wednesday, August 28 as part of her first official visit to Alaska. She spent most of her time in Nome at NACTEC, taking a look at the regional...
NEW PRINCIPAL – Jay Thomas is the new principal at Nome-Beltz Jr./Sr. High School this year.
Jay Thomas takes over as the new principal at Nome-Beltz Jr/Sr High School this year. He is an experienced rural Alaska educator and knows the region well. With his wife, who is also a teacher, he...
Bob Metcalf is retiring from his position as Director of the Northwest Campus and the process of selecting a new director is drawing to a close. The two finalists are Dr. Barb Amarok and Miranda...
WE DID IT—2019 Nome-Beltz extension program graduate Aaron Motis hugs Nome-Beltz graduate Ethan Ahkvaluk as Jeffrey Saclamana Jr. smiles on, shortly after they officially graduated from high school last Wednesday.
Last Wednesday was a big day for 41 Nome students when they were released from Nome-Beltz with a diploma in hand and a whole world of possibilities ahead of them. Knowing that it’s now up to them to...


The Nome Nugget

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Nome, Alaska 99762

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