
BUDGET APPROVED— Superintendent Shawn Arnold presented a legislative breakdown to the school board on Tuesday, April 18 during a special work session. With hopes that more funding will come from the state and city so revisions can take place, the board approved the “worst case scenario” budget for fiscal year 2018.
On Tuesday, April 18 the Nome Public Schools Board of Education met for a special work session in the Nome Elementary School library to approve the budget for fiscal year 2018. The fourth and final...
On Tuesday, April 11 the Nome Public Schools Board of Education met for an eventful regular session at the Nome Elementary School Library. During the meeting, a resignation letter was read from board...
EDUCATION GETS HIT HARD— Superintendent Shawn Arnold welcomed parents, staff and community members to  a meeting on the budget on Monday, April 3.
On Monday, April 3, parents, teachers, school staff and community members gathered in the Nome Elementary School commons to discuss Nome Public School’s shrinking budget. Superintendent Shawn Arnold...
SPIRIT OF YOUTH— Sierra Tucker received the Spirit of Youth Award.
The Nome Public Schools Board of Education met for a regular session on Tuesday, March 21 in the Nome Elementary School Library. The most heated topic on the list was that of the third draft budget,...
Nome Elementary School seeking new principal The Principal of Nome Elementary School Kevin Theonnes has turned in his resignation. According to Superintendent Shawn Arnold, Theonnes will be leaving...
Eight-hundred thousand dollars – that’s what needs to be cut, and that’s the number on the minds of teachers, staff, parents and administrators throughout the Nome Public School District. Where those...
DONATION— Sitnasuak Native Corporation presented a check to Nome Public Schools last week at the school board meeting.
Nome Public Schools Board of Education met on Tuesday, January 10 in a regular meeting at the Nome Elementary School library. During the beginning of the meeting, Sitnasuak Native Corporation...
Nome-Beltz Jr./Sr. High School Principal Jon Berkeley reported that there were three incidents of cyber bullying this year. One incident took place on the social media platform Twitter this spring...
In a regular meeting on September 13, the Nome School Board gathered in the Nome Elementary School Library to discuss new board policies, address concerns and hear reports from school officials. The...
The Nome Board of Education continued discussion on what is being called “The Introductions Project” or “The Native Language Project” at last week’s work session. The effort is gaining momentum...


The Nome Nugget

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Nome, Alaska 99762

Phone: (907) 443-5235
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